Virtual Communication: Hide self-view

One very strange feature of virtual communication, aside from needing to look into a camera lens in order to have “eye contact,” is that we are asked to look at OURSELVES while interacting with others! It’s distracting, to say the least. Unnerving! And, did I say, distracting?

Whether working with my clients on in-person or virtual communication, we use skills and techniques that consciously put our focus on the other, on the audience. So having our own visage mirror us, woo us, pull our focus, tease and antagonize us, adds a challenge to virtual communication. It’s hard to be present. And can make us feel anxious.

So what can we do about the distraction of ourselves on our computer screens? We can HIDE SELF VIEW.

Here is what I do:

  • I get on my own Zoom or Teams or Webex account in advance of the virtual meeting.

  • I set up the frame, making sure there is nothing there that is unprofessional (like a bathrobe hanging on the door), distracting (like a whirrring fan).

  • I make sure I am front lit.

  • I make sure the camera lens is eye-level.

  • When I enter the meeting, I hit “hide self-view.”

Et voila! We are free! Notice how much more relaxing it is, how much more present we are, how much more focused.


The Proactive Speaker: chairs, posture, sitting on stage


Breaking Rule #5: “Be professional”