24 Hours Before a Talk or Event

The work is done. Or not done. It makes no difference. Let it be.

Nothing new can be truly integrated 24 hours before an event.

In fact, adding, changing, editing in the last 24 hours usually leads to anxiety and “trying to remember” rather than connecting, enjoying, playing.*

This is time to take care of ourselves. And let the content rest.


  • Sneak into the space and run our talk.

  • Find the tech folks and make friends with them—tech always goes wrong and they have our backs.

  • Where is the light? Find the light.

  • What is the camera frame?  How many cameras?

  • Walk the whole space, love it. The nooks and crannies.

  • Imagine the seats filled with warmth.

  • Hydrate.

  • Sleep if we can. If not, we’ll be just fine! Adrenaline is incredible.


  • Eat like an athlete: small healthy meal about 2 hours before the event.

  • Go over our materials quickly and let go—we have done all the work we can do. 

  • Warm up body, voice, breath.

  • Drink one full glass of water 20 minutes before we go on.

  • When we get out of our car, the performance has begun.

  • Give other presenters the gift of our attention.

  • Right before we begin, breathe and remember why we are here, our purpose, our INTENTION.

  • Breathe. Connect. Sway

That’s all! Now it’s time to PLAY!

*This is of course, unless we are doing our 3000th performance of Cats, is which case, we might need to change it up!


Savor: How to slow down


How to Rehearse