The Moments Just Before…

 “When once a decision has been reached and execution is the order of the day, dismiss absolutely all responsibility and care about the outcome.”

--William James

“My center gives way. My right recedes. The situation is excellent.  I shall attack.”

General Ferdinand Foch before WWI battle that saved Paris

Not long ago, as I sat back stage, listening to the rustle of the audience and the pre-show music, a fellow actor asked if I was nervous. I answered, “No. I’m ready.”

I may even be a little addicted to that liminal space between the process of preparing and the performance. We’d rehearsed for weeks, I’d checked my props, put on my costume and makeup, warmed up my body and voice. The only thing left was to wait. Or what they call RAW in the Nia Movement Technique. Relaxed. Alert. Waiting. That is exactly the feeling. Poised on the ledge.

At those moments, right before we give a talk, run a meeting, host a party, open a negotiation, pick up the phone, ask a life-changing question, make a brazen request, we have done all of the work and our only tasks are to breathe and remember our intention. Whether we like it or not, the rest is determined by the others and the circumstances, so best to allow ourselves to play.

I think of it like stepping into a river and letting go. It’s exhilarating and terrifying!

This week, savor those brief moments of liminal time. Ready. Alert. And waiting.

And when we walk out, our only job is the breathe, connect, and sway.


The Role of Leader


Critics: internal and external