Beware Comparison

Which of these flowers do you like the most? Which is the most beautiful? Which is the oldest? Youngest? Which is the best, smartest, most fragrant, most handsome, wittiest, strongest? Side-by-side, which do you choose?

My father warned me to beware comparison, ANY comparison. Even if it sounds harmless. He believed that even the most casual, complimentary, banal, kind, seemingly non-judgmental comparison, was harmful. And sure enough, every time I hear myself comparing people, even just to notice the difference (tall/short, brown/blue, artistic/mathematical), it feels like quantifying something ephemeral, spiritual, unknowable; it objectifies and catagorizes, which takes away a little bit of our humanity.

This week, notice when you are comparing others, yourself to others, and when others compare themselves to you. How does it feel? If it just doesn’t sit right, find other ways to appreciate the endless expressions of our humanity.


“Lost World Questions” or How to ask questions that reveal the truth


Letting Go vs. Giving Up