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Kate Bennis Kate Bennis

Letting Go vs. Giving Up

This photo of the visual art performer, Laurel Jay Carpenter, is taken in Berlin at the Hebbel Theater in 2005.

Laurel taught herself the famous, “walking over the chair” trick in real time as part of the “Gifted Generation" exhibit curated by Marina Abramovič. In this clip you can hear the song, “Maybe This Time,” from Cabaret as it played on loop in the artist's head. Laurel sings softly along as if giving herself a pep talk as she falls, once more, to the ground.

Maybe this time? No? Maybe now? Maybe?

Our world values commitment, perseverance, grit, never giving up. And yet, sometimes the best, healthiest thing to do, is let go.

In a recent tea-time conversation with Susan McCulley, she used the phrase, “I let go of the rope” two times to describe moments when she…Gave up? Gave in? Walked away? Let go? Realized she was pushing, pulling, forcing something that was not going to happen? Indeed, Susan knew that she was making a strong and wise decision. She was not giving up. She was letting go.

So, how do we recognize the difference between giving up and letting go? Read on…

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