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Kate Bennis Kate Bennis

How to Have Creative Meetings

To have truly generative and creative meetings, we need to put our analytic minds aside and open ourselves up to what scientist and improvisational actor,  Uri Alon calls, “the cloud.” Easier said than done! But there are a few tricks we can take from the world of theater to set the stage for creativity, even in the board room.

1) Set up the meeting by reminding everyone …read on.

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Kate Bennis Kate Bennis

Receiving Feedback: the art of what to ask and what to take in

Many years ago I was lucky enough to act in a production with the marvelous British comedienne, Frances Cuka. I adored her. She was a consummate pro and had been acting professionally since she was a young child on the radio, as a teen originating the role of Jo in A Taste of Honey, and then many years in the theater and on BBC television.

The day the rave reviews of her performance came out, I knocked on her dressing room door where she sat drawing on her eyebrows, resplendent in her costume of green silk, red wig, and satin heels.

“Frances! Have you seen the reviews?”

She smiled slightly. “No, darling. No need, thank you.”

I gushed, “But they loved you!”

Frances turned towards me with kind patience:

“Oh, darling. If you believe the good reviews, then you have to believe the bad reviews, too.”

This one line sings out as the truest thing I ever heard. And in some small way, it set me free from the need for external validation and gave me the tools to view criticism with the same balanced scrutiny.

But it begs the question, if we don’t take in the good reviews (feedback, comments, compliments), and we don’t take in the bad reviews (feedback, comments, criticism), then how do we know how we’re doing? How can we be self-aware and know what to work on? How do we grow?

This week we re-think receiving feedback,: who to ask, when to take it, when to solicit it, and when to let it go. Read on…

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