Vocal presence: learn from the professionals by listening to the radio

This week, as you drive, or cook or even watch the news (you might have to close your eyes), listen to the voices of the hosts, guests, reporters, interviewers. Just listen. Notice. Next week we will do more with this. 

My favorite radio voices have a richness and breadth to them.  I love quirky voices as long as they are not forced or affected.  I love voices that breathe, flow, have natural variation, and seem rooted in a relaxed body.


  1. Can you tell if they are reading a report?

  2. Can you tell if they are speaking extemporaneously?

  3. Does the voice have a range of highs and lows or does it stay within a shallow range?

  4. Are they breathing?

  5. Do you hear ums, well, so…?

  6. Does the speaker have vocal fry?  That is the Kardashian-era habit of closing the back of the throat as the air comes through to create a glottal sound.  

  7. Does the speaker end their statements by going up?  Up-speak?  Or does the energy falter at the end of the sentence and trail off?

Next week, we dig deeper into listening to voices so we can work on our own voices.


Vocal presence 2: listen deeper…


Be a first-class noticer: becoming a great communicator begins with building awareness