How To Feel Grounded

Sometimes I feel uprooted, unfocused, disconnected from myself and the world around me. This is not to be confused with seeing the big picture, reading the room from a role of leadership. As communicators, we have tools to reconnect, reground, re-focus, so that we can be embodied, present, and connect with others.

Here are a few simple tools I use to ground myself:

  • BREATHE: Take a deep breath filling from the belly, up into the lungs, and top it off, then a long, slow exhale out until the last drop.

  • STAMP FEET: Literally, just make sure our feet feel the solid earth under us by a few stamps.

  • PAT OURSELVES: In communication we use every part of our body, so I love to quickly pat myself, every part, my feet, legs, arms, shoulders, head, waking everything up.

  • SHAKE: Shake! Jiggle! Just shake and let any vocalizations come out.

  • NOTICE: Notice something small, specific—a bird singing, a new bloom on a plant, a cool breeze, Spring in the air, our warm morning tea.

This week, we practice rooting.


“Professional” Voice vs. Natural Voice


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