Five Sense Rehearsal: Touch

In this series on using the five senses in rehearsal, we have talked about sound, taste, and last week, sight where we showed the content through movement. This week, we look at using TOUCH in the rehearsal process in a very particular way.

We start with the sound of the language, then we taste the words, then we move the words, showing the content, then, we pronounce the words fully, roundly, allowing them to touch us. This evokes the sensation of being touched physically and emotionally by the content. Take note of the sensation, how does the content make us feel physically and emotionally? What sensations do the words evoke? Where does the language resonate in our body? How does the language touch us? After all, emotions, feelings, are simply sensations.

This may sound abstract and perhaps silly. Remember, rehearsal is simply experimenting and adding layer upon layer of experience to craft a performance that is alive. The verdaccio technique of rehearsal. This is one layer.

This week, play with touching your content and let me know what you discover.


Five Sense Rehearsal: Smell


Five Sense Rehearsal: Sight