
Welcome to my blog, Banter.

I’ll start, you chime in—I really want to hear from you!

Kate Bennis Kate Bennis

Cameras ON (even if your hair’s a mess)

In my last post, I made the case for more you, more people, more human interaction, and fewer slides and less text. Today I add, CAMERAS ON!

We all have reasons that we keep the camera off during meetings:

  • I’m in my pjs (robe, undies).

  • I’m in my unfinished basement (attic, dorm room).

  • My kids (dog, cat, bird) could come in at any moment.

But we all know the real reasons:

  • I’m multitasking.

  • I’m on screen all day and need a break.

  • I’m in the finals of a Clash of Clans tourney.

So really, why meet at all? Why not have a conference call? A nap? Because, when we do meet virtual-face-to-virtual-face, we get a lot more done, we get a sense of our team and how they’re doing, we have an interpersonal dopamine bump, and we are able to be more creative, productive, and innovative.

Use the One-Third Rule: Read on…

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