
Welcome to my blog, Banter.

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Kate Bennis Kate Bennis

Presentation Skills and Techniques in Action: C. Mitzi Sinnott

Today I got the link to a TEDx Talk by the incomparable, C. Mitzi Sinnott: Trust Your Truth and Serve the World. The first time I watched it I was swept up in the stories, the beauty, the open-hearted generosity. I watched it again minutes later, noticing the skills and techniques she brings to her performance. And then again, just because…because I wanted to make sure I soaked in her deep, heartfelt message. I wanted to make sure I let myself be moved to action. Minutes later, I asked Mitzi if I could write this post and refer to her her talk to illustrate the techniques I have outlined in this blog. Below are a few of the skills and techniques…Read on.

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Kate Bennis Kate Bennis

Storytelling vs. StorySHOWING

Some times I love to hear just the voice, the simplest voice, tell a story. No embellishment so that my mind can create castles out of words. Sometimes I love a voice to play characters. Lynn Redgrave reading Cornelia Funke’s Inkheart is extraordinary. And on stage, when I can see the whole person, I love to see the story—not acted out, exactly, but “shown.” Miranda Hope told her story at our Charlottesville TEDx Open Mic and we asked her. ..Read on

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