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Kate Bennis Kate Bennis

Tom Peters on Public Speaking

If Tom Peters, renowned author of many best-selling books on business including, In Search of Excellence, were to say that he is good at anything—writing, teaching, connecting with others—he would have to admit that all of his skills come together when he is on stage giving a talk. I am honored to know Tom and often pick his brain about the skills and techniques that make him so compelling. He is always, “generous company.” Below are just a few of the tips he has shared over the years. And, trust me, there will be additions long after publication of this post! Tom is never done generating ideas! We begin here…Read on.

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Kate Bennis Kate Bennis

The Proactive Speaker: Props

When I was in 5th grade at the Cincinnati School for Creative and Performing Arts, I got my dream role: one of the steps-sisters in the musical, “Cinderella.” I cannot express just how much I loved playing Joy. I loved my co-step-sister, Portia. I loved the two hours of makeup complete with fake nose lovingly applied by a teacher who looked just like Dolly Parton (Mrs. Tippetts?). And I LOVED my prop hand-mirror which would explode when I looked into it! One night, as I reached for the mirror, ready for my big bang moment, the mirror was not on stage! In character, I furiously, searched the stage, getting more and more frenzied, until I screeched, “CINDERELLA! Where is my mirror!” A stage-hand quickly thrust a black-sleeved arm out, I grabbed the mirror, it exploded with a loud flash and puff of smoke, and the show went on. To this day, I assiduously check my props. ..Read on.

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Kate Bennis Kate Bennis

Be a Proactive Speaker

Years ago, as our kids waited for the school bus, a car careened up onto the sidewalk forcing us to flee up the grass hill to safety. We often witnessed cars come to a pause at the stop sign, then continue into the intersection not knowing the vertical street was (is!) a straightaway. The intersection has an elementary school, a city school bus stop for grades pre-K through high school, and a city bus stop. Our then seven year-old daughter wrote to City Council requesting a 4-way stop. A traffic study found there were not enough accidents to call for the change (don’t get me started). So, we painted a mandala to slow down the traffic through the intersection. We were proactive. Speakers, too, need to be proactive—we can’t assume event coordinators or venues will have all details covered … Read on.

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Kate Bennis Kate Bennis

Presentations with Slide Decks: A perfect time to check your email!

This week we talk about using slides in a way that supports, rather than obstructs, our communication.

Anyone who’s worked with me has heard this refrain:

There is a reason that we fly people all over the world in airplanes, put them up in hotels, feed them, host them, give them swag, congregate, meet, and convene, face-to-face.

There is something ineffable about human connection. Do not squander it.

So why then, do we squander those precious moments by turning off our webcam, eclipsing our selves (face, expression, body) with slides? And why, oh why, would we litter the slides with text, which draws the audience towards the written words and disconnects them from the speaker?

Read more on how to use slides so slides don’t hijack our presentations…

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