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Kate Bennis Kate Bennis

Presentations with Slide Decks: A perfect time to check your email!

This week we talk about using slides in a way that supports, rather than obstructs, our communication.

Anyone who’s worked with me has heard this refrain:

There is a reason that we fly people all over the world in airplanes, put them up in hotels, feed them, host them, give them swag, congregate, meet, and convene, face-to-face.

There is something ineffable about human connection. Do not squander it.

So why then, do we squander those precious moments by turning off our webcam, eclipsing our selves (face, expression, body) with slides? And why, oh why, would we litter the slides with text, which draws the audience towards the written words and disconnects them from the speaker?

Read more on how to use slides so slides don’t hijack our presentations…

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