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Kate Bennis Kate Bennis

The Proactive Speaker: Props

When I was in 5th grade at the Cincinnati School for Creative and Performing Arts, I got my dream role: one of the steps-sisters in the musical, “Cinderella.” I cannot express just how much I loved playing Joy. I loved my co-step-sister, Portia. I loved the two hours of makeup complete with fake nose lovingly applied by a teacher who looked just like Dolly Parton (Mrs. Tippetts?). And I LOVED my prop hand-mirror which would explode when I looked into it! One night, as I reached for the mirror, ready for my big bang moment, the mirror was not on stage! In character, I furiously, searched the stage, getting more and more frenzied, until I screeched, “CINDERELLA! Where is my mirror!” A stage-hand quickly thrust a black-sleeved arm out, I grabbed the mirror, it exploded with a loud flash and puff of smoke, and the show went on. To this day, I assiduously check my props. ..Read on.

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