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Kate Bennis Kate Bennis

Making a Pitch: igniting others

I love working with my clients on pitches. We have only minutes to ignite others. There is something so clean and sharp about a pitch. The best are simple and passionate.

And they take a lot of work to craft, hone, and deliver with precision. Remember the quote from Blaise Pascal, “If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.” We want to have everything the audience needs to assess our idea or product, and leave them curious enough to want more.

Overall, the thing we want from a pitch is to be memorable. Those being pitched see many ideas, people, and pitches, so we want to both have an exciting idea and communicate it with all the skills we can cultivate.

Pitching is a lot like auditioning: it’s easy to fall into all-or-nothing thinking but in reality, it is…Read on.

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