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Kate Bennis Kate Bennis

Know Your Audience

Recently I saw Elvis Costello in concert. I can’t remember the last time I felt so treasured, so seen, so held by an artist. And, although he thinks that Charlottesville is in North Carolina, it felt like he had a special love for our small town. Mr. Costello got into town early that morning and spent the day…Read on.

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Kate Bennis Kate Bennis

Extreme Preparation: from what to say to what to wear and everything in-between

When working with theater director and actor, Deb Gottesman, we immediately spoke the same language: the language of the theater. Deb knows what goes into crafting a performance that sings. She knows just how much time and work it takes to prepare a piece so that it comes alive in front of an audience. The day we began, Deb told me that the organization she co-founded with Buzz Mauro, The Theater Lab, had its annual fundraiser a few weeks before our TEDx Charlottesville event. Deb asked to front-load her preparation so that she would have the weeks before the fundraiser to focus just on that. We mapped it out and…Read on.

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