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Kate Bennis Kate Bennis

The Proactive Emcee: Shining the light on others

In this last of the “Proactive Speaker” series (for now), we are lucky to have the text for actual TEDx Charlottesville introductions from two of our emcees, Kellie Sauls and Richard Averitt. After writing the post, “The Proactive Speaker: Introductions,” both reached out and offered examples* for us all. Moderators, facilitators, emcees, these are just a few of the beautiful introductions Kellie and Richard wrote. Their generosity, their clear intention to shine the light on the speaker and move the audience to be receptive and excited is palpable in their words. In my work with speakers, I remind them that it is the emcee’s job to brag for them and establish credibility in advance so that the speaker can dig right into the exciting work without that nagging insecurity. Below are the kinds of introductions I emulate. I aspire to this level of grace when celebrating the work of others.…Read on.

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