Pro Tip: Packing list for events

Here are a few things to bring to events:

  • Water bottle

  • Hot tea

  • Thumb drive with slides as backup

  • Lumbar pillow if sitting in club chairs (unless you are over 6 feet tall)

  • Clinical strenth anti-perspirant (I’m an all natural gal, except when I’m going to be filmed or in front of a big audience!)

  • Hair spray and hair fasteners

And, I just learned a wonderful new trick from Brooke Braun, the Marketing and Communications Director at the McIntire School of Commerce at UVA: always bring a KILT PIN! One of her panelists brought a handful to an event. Why? They are perfect to secure the transmitter for wireless microphones!


How to Make Friends 2


The Proactive Speaker: chairs, posture, sitting on stage