Public Speaking: learning from observation

In response to last week’s post, The Ten Public Speaking Commandments, Tom Peters sent me this wonderful list written by Darl Kolb after Tom spoke in his class. As you can see in the photograph, the list is precious to Tom. He keeps it close.

10 Lessons for Teachers from Watching Tom Peters by Darl Kolb

1. When you look one person in the eyes, everyone feels the connection.

2. Audacity is good when you're passionate about things and people other than yourself.

3. Bias is OK, when you own it, and admit it might make you wrong.

4. Being clever is a device, not an end in itself.

5. Talk about things that matter to you.

6. Humility gives you access to everyone you meet.  Ego restricts access to the world around you.

7. Remember that most of the fancy things we say, our mothers already knew and probably told us.

8. Walk around the room to keep your thoughts moving.

9. It's not the content, it's the connections.

10. Be thankful for the opportunity to learn by sharing yourself with others.

Thank you for letting me repost, Darl!


Manel: a panel made up of…


Ten Public Speaking Commandments